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Employee Training





Maximized Efficiency

Employee Training software creates a single interface to develop and manage training initiatives organizationally. Organizations must maintain a complete inventory of employee education levels, job descriptions and certification records, and maximize the effectiveness of developing employee skills. Intellect Employee Training Management software keeps employee certifications and related skills up-to-date and available in one central location. As new employees enter the system, they can be assigned tasks based on skill level while integrating this information into other Intellect QMS software modules.




Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Employee Training Program

Intellect Benefits

✓ Leverage a single interface to development and manage employee training initiatives

✓ Track and maintain a complete inventory of employee education levels, job descriptions, qualifications, and certification records.

✓ Maximize the effectiveness of developing employee skills internally, assign tasks based on skill level, and send auto reminders for new skill requirements

✓ Become more lean and efficient as your organization understands what training and skills are in-house and what new competencies are required

