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Supplier Management



Intellect Supplier Management


Efficient and Compliant

Supplier Quality Management manages the process of qualifying, selecting, and monitoring suppliers and supply chain partners. Intellect’s Supplier Quality Management software systems automate supplier management and compliance in regulated environments.




Increase the Efficiency of Your Supplier Ecosystem and Compliance

Intellect Benefits

✓ Manage the process of qualifying, selecting, and monitoring suppliers and supply chain partners

✓ Improve the efficiency of your supplier network with workflow, automation and transparency

✓ Avoid redundant evaluations of all previous suppliers evaluated complete records for reference

✓ Define, track, manage, and report on supplier quality programs and progress to increase the efficiency of the supplier ecosystem and network



Supplier Workflows

Other requirements are supplier qualification workflows and tracking systems for supplier nonconformances and resulting CAPA. As part of an overall enterprise quality management software (EQMS) solution efficiency of supplier network is greatly increased. To avoid redundant evaluations of all previous suppliers evaluated complete records for reference are a requirement. Supplier qualification and evaluation with auditing capabilities to allow offline execution of audit records and reports and seamless integration of legacy systems.

Intellect QMS offers the flexibility and configurability to adapt to company specific business processes, requirements and needs. This allows organizations to define, track, manage, and report on the core activities for success.
