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Intellect Deployment Options

Intellect offers a variety of service delivery options, providing you with the flexibility to choose the model that best meets your business requirements and preferences. Intellect is accessible from most web-browsers including Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Opera. Intellect software can be available in the cloud hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), a private-cloud or on-premises.


Cloud: Hosted Option

Intellect’s Validation and Verification application enables organizations to establish and maintain process for different types of validation; Analytical/Test Method Validation, Process/Product Validation, Equipment/Asset Validation and Nonproduct Software Validation. The workflow helps to automate and streamline the process for identifying, defining, creating plans, test scripts and execution activities.




Meeting ISO Standards with AWS

AWS has updated its certifications against ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, and ISO 27018 standards, bringing the total to 67 services under ISO compliance.

For the complete list of services under ISO compliance, see AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program.

AWS maintains certificates through extensive audits of its controls to ensure that information security risks that affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of company and customer information are appropriately managed.

You can download copies of the AWS ISO certificates that contain AWS's in-scope services and Regions, and use these certificates to jump-start your own certification efforts:

AWS ISO 9001:2015 certificate
AWS ISO 27001 certificate
AWS ISO 27017 certificate
AWS ISO 27018 certificate

To learn more about compliance in the AWS Cloud, see AWS Cloud Compliance.


Private Cloud: Hosted By A 3rd Party

As a browser-based software solution, Intellect can be hosted on a private cloud hosted by virtually any 3rd party. Customers may choose to deploy Intellect in a private cloud environment with AWS, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud or other providers that meet the minimum hardware and software requirements.


On-Premises: Installed Options

Companies with policies that require the software to be installed on local networks only or regulations restricting the location of their data are also supported. Intellect's architecture supports the deployment of the platform on local web and database servers, residing behind the company's firewall.

Contact Intellect for hardware and software requirements for your private-cloud or on-premises environment.